Oleochemicals Working Group

Facilitated by Efeca as part of the UK Sustainable Commodities Initiative (UK SCI), the Oleochemicals Working Group is working to catalyse supply chain collaboration on sustainable sourcing of oleochemicals, stepping up action to find solutions to ensure oleochemicals are traceable, deforestation-free and sustainable.

As a sub-set of the UK SCI industry network, the Oleochemicals Working Group is comprised of a cross-section of the UK supply chain, including refiners, oleochemicals manufacturers, consumer goods manufacturers and retailers.

The oleochemicals sector is generally characterised by highly complex supply chains in which traceability back to origin and strong assurance of sustainability credentials are currently major challenges. Palm and palm kernel oil are important oleochemical feedstocks, and with many companies working to meet voluntary commitments on sustainable sourcing of palm derivatives and oleochemicals, and the emergence of new regulatory drivers in the UK and EU, there is an urgent need to address these issues and find solutions.

With a focus on cross-supply chain collective action, the group is aiming to strengthen understanding of the information available throughout oleochemical supply chains, share examples of best practice and explore solutions to improving traceability and assurance in the sector.

For more information, read our briefings below that delve further into the topic.

Oleochemicals: the deforestation-free challenge

This one-pager provides a high-level overview of the challenges faced by the oleochemicals sector.

Oleochemicals, deforestation and regulation: a deeper dive

This briefing takes a broad look at how new regulatory drivers in the EU and UK may impact the sector while providing some insight into oleochemical use and trade within these markets.

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