Coffee Working Group

Whilst still in the initial stages, following an interest in the particular sustainability challenges of the coffee sector, the UK SCI has established a sector working group, currently comprising members from manufacture, retail, and associations.

Our aims from the initial meeting will be to determine a direction of travel and focus areas for this group.

Although coffee has not been included in Schedule 17 of the UK Environment Act under the regulation on Forest Risk Commodities, it is possible that the scope could widen in the future to further commodities.

Additionally, the UK is a key market for coffee brands in the EU, which would mean that many UK companies will have to comply with the EU Deforestation-free Regulation, which will require actors placing seven specified commodities (of which coffee is included) on the EU market to provide evidence that there was no deforestation associated with their production. The changing regulatory space is currently a key focus for actors throughout the supply chains of these commodities, working towards compliance.

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