B Corp

We are now a Certified B Corp!

B Corps are organisations that have legally committed to making business decisions that create positive impact for the environment, customers, suppliers, employees and the community, using business as a force for good.

We first started exploring the question of what it means to be a B Corp in the summer of 2020, during the pandemic of Covid 19.  Whilst wondering how differently the world might look at the end of the pandemic, we decided to commit to making our environmental and social footprint as light as possible, balancing our profit with our purpose.

It took a lot of hard work and development, but we are delighted to now be part of a global community of over 7,000 businesses, and about 1,300 businesses in the UK, who have all certified as B Corps.

What does it mean?

Becoming a B Corp has meant looking at everything we do to see how we can do things better. The process of certification focusses on B Corp’s five different impact areas: Community, Customers, Governance, Workers and Environment, with applicants required to demonstrate policies and practices that have a positive impact in these areas. Exploring our impact in depth, and ensuring that we are maximizing our positive impacts has been challenging and it has taken time to fully embed everything we have put in place.  Each area is scored, and applicants are required to reach an accumulated benchmark score of at least 80, providing evidence of socially and environmentally responsible practices relating to (amongst other things) energy supplies, workers compensation, team wellbeing, diversity, and corporate transparency.

Emily Fripp, Founding Director of Efeca says:

“We are delighted that to be seen as a purpose-led business, and to have earned an overall score of 100.1.  To now have received this certification is a huge achievement that we are all very proud of.”

Find our company profile on the B Corp directory!


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