Webinar and Report on Private Sector Behavioural Change Towards Sustainability

Since 2011, the Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC) programme has worked around the world to strengthen sustainable and legal forest management. As the FGMC programme entered its final phase, a Policy Evaluation and Learning Team (PELT) was appointed to work collaboratively with UK Government, to identify learnings across several broad themes, including how best to support company behavioural change.

As a member of this team, Efeca has produced a new study “Creating private sector behavioural change to sustainability:  The use of tools and innovative approaches” which is now publicly available.

To accompany the report, a virtual panel discussion was held on the 12th August, to explore themes of the report including the movement from a focus on individual supply chain targets (e.g. 100% deforestation free by 2020) to supplier-based action, recognising the need to work beyond any one supply chain to create the required change on the ground. The expert panel featured:


The panel, facilitated by Efeca Director Emily Fripp, explored the impact of innovative approaches and tools in this evolving approach, and the role they play in helping to drive the wider market transition – supporting all companies, both ‘thought leaders’ and mass market ‘followers’ to create sustainable supply chains.

For more information, please contact rose.mcculloch@efeca.com


Webinar introductory slides and recording.

Webinar panel summary

Report: Creating private sector behavioural change to sustainability – The use of tools and innovative approaches

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