Evaluation of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+

Efeca has recently completed its evaluation of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study (GCS) on REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), focusing on achieving effective, efficient, and equitable outcomes. This review concentrated on Phase 3 (2016-2020) of the Norad-funded activities and included an assessment of the priority setting, research design, implementation, and ongoing engagement processes across eight priority countries, each with distinct focuses.

Our evaluation team comprised an Efeca core team along with REDD+ evaluation experts based in Vietnam, Indonesia, Peru, Ethiopia, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Guyana. The evaluation aimed to determine if the project met its intended outcomes and to glean lessons on policy engagement. We assessed whether the research was crucial, timely, and well-targeted to each country’s context and if the recommendations from the GCS REDD+ mid-term evaluation had been implemented effectively.

In our comprehensive review, we conducted an international survey across all priority countries and beyond. Additionally, our team carried out nearly 70 stakeholder interviews in local languages, facilitated by local consultants. The survey and interview results were triangulated with a variety of project documents and other research outputs, ensuring a robust and thorough evaluation.

The findings of this evaluation provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of CIFOR’s approaches and highlight areas for improvement in future REDD+ initiatives. This evaluation underscores the importance of context-specific research and the need for continuous engagement with local stakeholders to achieve sustainable outcomes.

For further information, please contact us.

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