Certified B Corp

Who we are

Efeca provides specialised advice on responsible sourcing, sustainable trade and use of agricultural and forest commodities. A Tropical Forest Alliance partner, World Economic Forum preferred supplier and an Accountability Framework initiative coalition member, our team of technical experts has worked with a wide range of clients across public, private, finance and civil society sectors.

Efeca has accumulated broad experience working in over 30 countries, across agricultural and forest risk commodities including palm oil, soya, timber, pulp and paper, beef and leather (cattle), sugar, coffee, cocoa and rubber.

Ways in which we work

Sharing lessons and linkages through facilitation, strategic planning and programme support, we work independently and globally on a range of projects from large, international donor programmes to the delivery of bespoke training programmes for SMEs. We advise governments and donor agencies on the implementation of legislative and governance requirements, and support buyers and their suppliers to meet these and other market requirements.

Where we work

With our global experience  and team members and associates all over the world, we are able to provide in-depth insight and support to our clients in both producer and buyer countries. Our clients include The Bank of England, CIFOR, UK Government (DEFRA, BEIS, FCDO), European Commission (EC), European Palm Oil Alliance (EPOA), IDH, Bord Bia, European Forestry Institute (EFI), Forest Trends, Lidl, LTSI, Preferred by Nature, PEFC, RSPO, Sky, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO), WWF, WRI, the World Bank and ZSL.

Our Ethics

We pride ourselves on our commitment to making a better planet, whether that be through the work that we do to make commodity supply chains sustainable, secure, resilient and accessible to all, or through values and actions within our working environment/company, for example our choice of ethical pensions for staff.

Our team wellbeing is at the core of our values. We strive to ensure that our working environment is conducive to creativity, team work, inspiring discussion and action; we encourage feel-good working practices including “walk and talks”, condensed working hours to enable early finishes on Fridays, and sharing of lessons, knowledge and experience to ensure Continuing Professional Development through brown bag lunches, webinars, workshops and allowing time for individual research and team dialogue. We have signed up to as a Race to Zero SME participant and are aligning ourselves to B Corp values.

Modern Slavery Act

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business. Our values reflect our commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.


We have a number of policies including our Code of Conduct, Equal Opportunities policy, Financial Governance policy, Bribery and Anti-Corruption policy, Confidentiality policy and Whistleblowing policy. To find out more about any of these policies, please contact us.