Living Income Working Group

As part of the UK SCI’s aim to ensure UK supply chains positively impact people and the planet, the living income working group was convened to capture social issues associated with supply chains of a wide range of forest risk commodities.

In collaboration with industry and UK government, this working group of companies from the cocoa sector, including retailers, brands, manufacturers and wholesalers, is exploring how companies can ensure their supply chains deliver a living income to producers.

The cocoa sector was identified as an industry leader in raising the profile of living income on the global sustainability agenda, although outputs of this working group are cross-commodity.

As a result of these discussions, and to support the strengthening of company policies and activities in this space, the following resources have been developed:

Living Income Explainer

This Living Income Explainer introduces the concept of living income in agricultural commodity supply chains, and why companies should take action to enable better livelihoods.

Living Income Action Guide

For a practical overview of current practices and actions companies can take to enable a living income in agricultural commodity supply chains, have a look at this Living Income Action Guide for some useful tools and resources.


All resources described are freely available on the Efeca Sustainable Commodities Resource Hub.

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